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In Russia

Crossed the border into Russia about 1 ish uk time! Took an hour to sort paperwork so no real problem. Just parked up in a scruffy motel about 3 hours from Volograd. Will take a leisurely ride to the city tomorrow and will stay for 3 days.
Got some good pics and video to upload as soon as I can find wifi.
More in a bit, but in the meantime here is the view from my sumptuous dinner table



Called into Donetsk this morning to find a bank. What a difference in that city!! All shiny and new, mainly down to the fact they will be hosting Euro 2012 I imagine. Quite a contrast to the city I had intended to stay in last night – Dnipropetrovsk – rode in and straight out and kept going til I found a TIR truck stop with little chalets and secure parking, all for £7.

On the way out of Donetsk I stopped for fuel at a new petrol station. The sort of place that if Carlsberg did petrol stations they’d be like this one. Staffed by 4 of the most stunning women I’ve ever seen, two working the pumps and three on the tills. Marvellous.

Song of the day has to be Candy Man by Thunder. Stood up on the pegs visor up, singing my little heart out riding up to the Russian border.

Today’s stats – 464kms, 12 hour day, av speed 67kms. Roads pretty reasonable all things considered but they still need total concentration.

Litre of petrol in UKR is about 45p. Same as Russia.

Here’s a pic of what I call a Mig On A Stick

Mig Fighter About 2 Hours From Russia Border






And the road leading up to the border

Road To Russia

The Road Leading To The Russia Border Crossing




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