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London To Bangkok On A Motorcycle

In June and July 2011 I set of on a trip of a lifetime, riding a Triumph Tiger 800 XC just a smidge over 17,000 kms, travelling through France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhhstan, China, Laos and Thailand.

I left London on May 27th and arrived in Thailand on July 18th and spent the next couple of weeks taking in Thailand.

Now that I’m back in London I’ll be putting together all the video and pictures that I shot together and will upload here ASAP.

I’m also working on a round the world motorcycle adventure with a twist and will be looking for sponsors. If you’re interested and would like to know more, please get in touch.

I’ve been trying to raise some money in the process for a charity, so if you are reading this, please spare a moment and a few quid for The Lewy Body Society. My father passed away in 2009 from this little known disease so please give what you can. Find out more here.

Alternatively, buy a t-shirt, a tea mug or even a pair of London To Bangkok By Motorcyle pants from my store, and a couple of quid from each sale will go to the charity as well.

Follow me on Twitter and I’ll let you know when there are some updates on this site.

And please take a look at my links page. This is a thank you list for all the people and organisations who are helping me out on the trip.