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Atyrau at last

New Church Atyrau Kazakhstan

New Church in downtown Atyrau Kazakhstan

Finally made it to Atyrau and hotel, shower and food.
I was hoping that my new mates in the Kazakh army would let me stay until sun up this morning, but no …. the clock struck 12 and I was out of there, no messing.
Everything of course was shut so had to leg it through the night on the worst roads yet with rain showers on new nobbly rubber …. stress level was at the max. Used up my reserve fuel as well as only found one petrol station open and he wanted Tenge only.
Made it in one piece and found local insurance for just a few quid (different to border prices, by a long way).
Have some other stuff to sort out then off “downtown” Atryrau for something to eat and a wander.
Phone signal is very patchy here by the way.
Song of the day – Come On Baby by Joe Satriani. Just seemed to fit riding due east in the middle of the night watching the sun rise over Atyrau.

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