Category Archives: News
Still Got The Blues
Still got the post trip blues, but looking forward to the next trip. In the meantime Phil at Riders Corner in Chiang Mai just sent me this road report from Laos … awesome. Check it out.
Ride South East Asia
Check this out for a trip – this is Phil who runs Rider’s Corner in Chiang Mai. What would you give?
Tiger’s coming home at last
After a couple of delays due to a customs cock-up the bike is being shipped tomorrow. Can’t wait to get it back.
Who Says You Can’t Go Home
Bangkok airport on my way home. Partied for Britain the last 2 days so more knackered than riding 24 hours through Kazakh desert. Sad that its all over but excited about going home and excited about the next trip which … Continue reading
Back in Blighty
Got back to London last night. Some mates met me at the airport with a bottle of bubbly! Great way to come home. The last few days in Bangkok were hectic. An old mate came up from Singapore. Hadn’t seen … Continue reading
Crating up the bike
Just got back from the logistics warehouse getting the bike crated up ready to go. Had to take off the mirrors, wheels, screen to get the size down and therefore the cost down.
The Tiger On It’s Way Home
Just loaded the Tiger XC on to a flatbed and is on it’s way to be crated up and sent. Got all choked up for a while 🙂 Just the paperwork to sort out this afternoon.
Happy Boy
I’m a happy boy today. Had a night out with Pete and some of the guys from Triumph Thailand last night and Pete’s given me a brand new pannier to replace the one I managed to break in Kazakhstan. That’s … Continue reading
Bangkok Baby!
Rode into town about 5pm local time after roughly 400kms from Koh Chang (which was fabulous and just what I needed after over 16,000 kms riding). Lunch was barbecued chicken, home made chilli sauce and steamed rice bought from a … Continue reading
Hard work this …
Got up about 8:30, breakfast, then lay in the sun reading a book for a few hours. Lunch. Walk down the beach, snoooze in the afternoon, now off out for a beer or two. Hard work this bike riding malarky … Continue reading